
Agribusiness Development.

Agribusiness is the future of smallholder farming as well as the large-scale production with value addition taking the centre stage to propel these farmers to excellence. Smallholders farming enterprises are being transformed from subsistence, low producing farms to innovative, commercially viable and oriented enterprises by strengthening farm-agribusiness linkages. Successful linkages lead to value addition in agricultural sectors that help to create employment and increase income levels. 

Small-scale farmers cannot remain only producers of foodstuffs but have to control and earn income from the whole value chain of their produce. FSK promotes the Farmers Marketing Federation (FMF) Model that empowers the smallholder to undertake joint input sourcing, joint marketing, joint credit sourcing as well as lobbying and policy advocacy.

Microenterprise Development.

Entrepreneurship plays an important role in the growth and development of a country; it is, in fact, a key driver of its success. With the high unemployment rates, entrepreneurs create more job opportunities. Unfortunately, 3 out of 4 start-ups fail. This creates the need for training entrepreneurs to ensure sustainable enterprises. 

Through the microenterprise program, FSK has been able to build the capacity of the youths and women through attitude transformation for them to be self-reliant.

 Over 2000 youths and women as well as youth, groups have benefited from this program through the provision of business start-up capital and grants. The branch conducts free training on basic business management skills, which empowers them to come up with innovative business ideas, which are nurtured to create job opportunities and tackle unemployment.


200 groups with a minimum of 5 members are registered with FSK Micro-enterprise with FSK advancing over 15 million in its revolving fund.

Advanced in FSK's Revolving Fund
0 Million+