Nutrition and Health

For a long time now, Farming Systems Kenya (FSK) has been contributing enormously in improving food security especially in through empowering farming communities in crop and animal production. However, components of food and nutrition security has been conspicuously missing. This led to creation of nutrition department in the organization to support the nutrition components of the projects in the organization.
FSK is currently working with the Government of Kenya and other partners to address nutrition gaps in vulnerable communities. We seek to ensure that all children enjoy a good nutrition status, which is key to their development and wholesome growth. We give special attention to the first 1000 days of a child (from conception to two years of age) as this period is critical to their survival.
Moreover, integrate nutrition interventions with other existing projects to reach to. Our interventions are aligned to the Kenya Health Policy, County integrated development plan (CIDP), National and county Nutrition action plan as well as the National Food and Nutrition Security Policy.
Our work focuses on:
- Maternal infant and young child Nutrition
- Food and Nutrition Security
- Sensitization of Male champions in involvement in maternal and child feeding
- Nutrition in Agriculture and Livestock
- Nutrition in Education and Child Protection
- Nutrition Capacity Development and Learning