Developing a vibrant, profitable and sustainable farming community.
FSK carries out agricultural activities in a value-based culture, acknowledging that land is given to us by God and must be utilized sustainably, appreciating that it is on loan to us by the future generation and must be utilized in a profitable and sustainable manner
Farming Systems Kenya is an NGO with over 35 years’ experience.
We work with smallholder farmers, agro-pastoralists and pastoralists in the arid and semi-arid lands (ASAL) areas of Kenya.
FSK’s mission is to facilitate the transformation of farming community into entrepreneurs through innovative technology transfer.
Our Thematic Areas

Animal Welfare
- Dairy Goat – Direct Distribution 4,556, Through the pass on model, 16,077’, with a survival rate of 96%.
- Donkey Welfare --Has reached over 76,225 donkey owners/users and 136,013 donkeys in Nakuru, Narok, Bomet and Baringo Counties. 80 local service providers have also been trained on donkey welfare
- Heard Health - : FSK has provided extension service on dairy production to 12,432 through training and provision of heifers
Water, Sanitation & Hygiene
7300 households in Baringo County (ASAL) and 8200 households in Nakuru County have been supported to access water through borehole’s, sand dams, earth dams and construction of water tanks and toilets.
Disaster Management
FSK has supported over 5,000 families while responding to emergencies through cash for work, water trucking and provision of water storage facilities to drought-stricken families in Baringo, and rehabilitation of clash victims in Molo.
200 groups with a minimum of 5 members are registered with FSK Micro-enterprise with FSK advancing over 15 million in its revolving fund.
Farming Systems Kenya’s Development Model
FSK agricultural development model is based on value addition at all levels, right from production, processing to marketing. It is known as Value Extension Service (VES).